Thursday 27 January 2011

Script First Draft

Scene 1 Introduction

All black, fades into a closeup of a glass of water/champagne. Sounds fade in, the noise of distant crowds chanting together and a deep baseline. The vibrations shake the liquid inside the glass rhythmically. The noises rise and rise in unison to a crescendo, until it is abruptlycut by the sound of a knock on the door. The shot changes to a close up on a mans lower face in the doorway, he is wearing a headset. His voice is mumbled, much like the Charlie Brown teacher's voice.

Stagehand #1
Five minutes, guys.
The door is shut, the shot is changed to a POV perspective, the shot follows around the room, over posters pinned to walls reading: (Band name) Tour: SOLD OUT, cards on a dressing table reading: Good Luck!. The character behind the camera sits, and puts his legs up. The shot looks up towards the ceiling and quickly back down due to the arrival of a man smiling holding a guitar.

'Number 17, we're number 17!'

He produces a scrawled magazine and throws it to the camera character, the magazine is lifted to view onto an article reading: A New Era of Music?

There's twenty thousand out there! Remember when we were playing to twenty?

Jack grins as he sits and starts to rehearse with his guitar. Humming along.
The camera character once again looks at the door upon hearing chatter outside, Steve enters. Shirtless.

Hey hey hey!
Put your shirt back on Iggy Pop.

Shh... I'm famous now. I'm allowed.
Jacks mutters something and turns back to playing.
There is silence, the noise of the crowd grows.

Hear that? Twenty thousand people waiting to be fed the music we've created, they will hang on every lyric, every chord, every beat. Essentially we're Jesus.
Steve looks up towards the ceiling, patriotically.
Jack stares blankly into the camera character. A knock at the door is heard, Steve opens the door. The Stagehand is there.

It's time, boys.
The shot fades, then fades back into a corridor, the three band members are walking away from the camera, slow motion. Song starts- Charlie Snacks.
Shot cuts to black.
Noise of the crowd grows.

And now, for your pleasure... A Eleven!
The crowd goes wild. 'A11' appears on white font on a black background.
Fades out.

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