Monday 7 February 2011

Pitch Feedback

-Good idea
-Opening sequence sounds good and sets up audience for the rest of the film.
-Make sure the 'changing rooms' are realistic.
-Good mention of audience/research focus groups, though you had to be prompted to reveal these.

-Underprepared pitch. Could of potentially have really 'sold' the idea.
-No notes/PowerPoints etc.
-No visuals.

I felt the pitch went well, that I got my result across quite well yet didn't have the visual media to accompany the idea. I hesistated on occasion which made me stumble in my pitch. I appreciated the positive feedback regarding the idea. I did not take any notes as I felt I could successfully sell the idea in the flowing description I could use on the day.
Now I have to find some realistic looking changing rooms to make the opening as good as possible.

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