Thursday 31 March 2011

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Plan for shooting

Still shots of:
-Close up's of microphones being out into position.
-Guitar pedals being tested, close up.
-Assembling the stage.
-Close up of empty bottle.
-Close up of eyes.
-Back to the bottle and glasses.
-Face shot.
-Door knock, over shoulder to the door.
-Still over the shoulder, see man, stagehand notifying of five minutes left.
-Camera follows around the room, picking up on things to do with the band.
-One member playing guitar, close up of hands then wide shot.
-One tapping the tabletop, obviously drummer.

Ideal actors

As I wrote the roles and created the characters I had a clear vision of the actors that would portray them. I would use young, British talent, as they would fill the roles correctly compared to any out of place American actors, for example.
Thomas Turgoose, his appearance in This Is England was awesome, and I feel he may be perfectly suited to to the drummer character, as a chance to get out his aggression and anger through the drums and means of percussion. He has the 'look' of a working class adolescent, he has a great sense of warmth and looks so relaxed on screen, it is like he doesn't try. I can quite believe that as he gets older, he will appear in the Northern dramas such as 'The Street'. An actor of awesomely old fashioned British grit.

Andrew Garfield isn't particularly young, but his appearance in 'Boy A' based on the James Bulger murder case as the wide-eyed reformed child murderer trying to re instigate himself back into society. The performance was heartbreaking yet since then he has spent most of his time in bad films. That was until 'The Social Network'.
Jack O'Connell also appeared in This Is England. In Skins he was a bit of a idiot who liked to punch people. From this I thought his career was halted, yet his performance in 'Dive', a BBC drama where he actually portraying some great acting talent. I think he has the look of a faulted frontman, a great actor to play Grant, in the leading role.

Aaron Johnson was in the abysmal 'Angus Thongs'. 'Nowhere Boy' was better, but 'Kick Ass' was his big break, the intensely funny superhero film had everything going for Aaron, the lines and the talent. Aaron would be suited to the outcast member of the band who leaves to pursue a family after getting his girlfriend pregnant, a curse of his looks.

Monday 21 March 2011

Logo finished!

The background is a photo of red curtains taken in the playhouse, whilst the foreground image is one I drew by hand, combining the two adds a sense of breaking barriers, which I like.

Initial logo idea.


Sunday 13 March 2011


To break or not to break...

Although the idea of breaking the fourth wall did appeal to me at first, I feel that it can only work in teen or comedy films like 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' in this case it is a great tool for the audience, offering an insight into the characters true feelings, motives and incentives and a better overall feeling of connection from the audience to the film's characters. I will not use this technique.

Monday 7 March 2011

A musical spectactular.

The music I would like to use is by a very local artist who resides in Wymondham. Charlie Snacks is a rapper in the Norwich location. I am going to go to a show of his on Wednesday where I hope to ask him to use his track. I will of course get proof, likely an email to show official proof.


After worrying for a while that all the cameras maay be booked solid for the next few weeks, I realised I two miniDV camcorders in my bottom drawer, one fully working. The other needing a constant power source from a socket. Easy.

Location, location, location...

Ideal location? Dressing rooms of the Theatre Royal Norwich.
No photos exist of this holy grail of back room spectacular but I can assure, after going a few times, that if the preparation rooms are even a fifth of the quality of the lobby, it will be a great setting for my production.

Actors Roster

I have contacted actors I have felt fit their character counterparts accordingly and will portray them in their up most quality dramatically. They will be sent character breakdowns to introduce the characters to them and to prepare and feel the role.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Shot by shot...

And now our feature presentation...

Black screen. Flashes from black to white to black again whilst a beep accompanies each flash. Reminiscent of a count down.
Fades in from blur, like a disorientation, camera focuses to the sounds of a distant guitar at sound check. Focuses on a bottle of champagne sitting on a dressing room table. The shot changes to a glass of the freshly poured champagne. The drink in the glass is shaking due to the distant thuds of bass. The shot changes to the eyes of Grant as he focuses on the glass. Back to the glass. Back to Grant, however now it is a full face shot. A knock at the door is heard. Grant moves towards it, over the shoulder shot all the way. The stage hand at the door notifies Grant that there is five minutes left. The camera now changes to a behind the shoulder shot, this time from Chris, as he sits, straddling a chair, warming up on his bass guitar. His eyes follow Grant as he continues to play. Grant is seen walking through the dressing room, he reaches Wes as he lies half asleep clutching his drum sticks. Grant nervously looking at the clock. The trio move within reaching distance, they start to walk towards the door. Slow motion, the trio pass a poster identifying a sold out gig by a band named A11. The trio reach the corridor and proceed to walk down it, fade to black. Crowd noise fades in. An announcer announces: 'please welcome to the stage A11!'. As A11 is shouted, it appears on a white font over the black screen. The crowd roars.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


The logo I will use will fit in with my production company name- The Popcorn Sessions. The logo will feature a cartoon popcorn bucket with human features looking excited watching a film in a big red armchair. I will update this post once I have scanned the logo onto the system.

Synopsis for opening two minutes.

Black screen, a countdown, the sounds of a a sound test are heard. A few guitar riffs and a voice sounds out 3, 2, 1, to the voice on screen. Fades in, images of a dressing room, camera is moving slightly, the image of a glass of champagne is seen, a bassy song is heard, muffled, the bass shakes the contents of the glass, camera zooms out. A close up of a young mans face, bearded slightly, he is focusing on the glass. The sound cuts. A knock is heard, still focusing on the face. The shot changes, the character moves over to the doorway, and opens, always keeping an over the shoulder shot. A woman wearing a headset and holding a clipboard reveals the group has ive minutes before they have to go on. The door is shut and following still over the shoulder, the character goes through the room, picking up a guitar and starting to play. The camera moves to other items, drumsticks being picked up, band posters being moved etc.
The group walk out one by one and walk down a long corridor, in slow motion, the song starts to play and the the video gets slower and slower and fades to black. A tannoy announces: for your viewing pleasure...A EL-LEVEN' the syllables are pronounced and exaggerated. An 'A11' appears on screen, white on black.

List of required items/actors/locations.

Inventory required.
-Location: a dressing room of a theatre or hall, a large size, ideally big enough for a small filming crew.
                 a long corridor for the slow motion outro, this shot will be faded to black to the start of the song.
-Actors: an actor to portray each member of the band, 4 in total, each suited to their character.
              an actor or actress to portray a stagehand to add to the realism.
-Props: an electric guitar
             a bass guitar
             a headset to be worn by the stagehand
             a clipboard to be held by the stagehand
             various posters of the bands gig
             bottles of champagne to celebrate bands success

Character Breakdowns

These notes will be given to the actors portraying these rules.

Grant- The bassist/singer of the band, believes he leads the band but is often humoured by the rest of the group. He is a self confessed 'looker' and occasionally lands the band in trouble with the media with his politically incorrect remarks.

Chris- The lead guitarist. Chris serves as Grant's guardian angel and often helps him in times of need and to get him out of trouble. Chris is the most cautious of the group and always gives a sensible and almost too realistic viewpoint on issues and the band's future.

Wes- Drummer. Wes is an almost silent member of the group, however, when he is needed he will often come through on top and shine a new light on the situation.

Russell- Rhythm guitar. Russell is an absent minded individual that doesn't take much care in planning ahead or consequences of his actions, which leads to his departure from the band in which his girlfriend falls pregnant and needs to acquire a steady income so works for the local factories that the bands parents all worked at. The group goes back to visit Russell and see their fathers in him. Russell rejects the offer to rejoin.

I mage Use Form

I hereby give consent for my image to be used as an on screen performer in the filming of 'A11' by Ryan Cole. During the period of the........................ Signed......................... Print........................

Location Release Form

I hereby give consent for the following property................... to be used in the filming of 'A11' by Ryan Cole. During the period of................................... Signed.......................... Print..................