Tuesday 1 March 2011

Synopsis for opening two minutes.

Black screen, a countdown, the sounds of a a sound test are heard. A few guitar riffs and a voice sounds out 3, 2, 1, to the voice on screen. Fades in, images of a dressing room, camera is moving slightly, the image of a glass of champagne is seen, a bassy song is heard, muffled, the bass shakes the contents of the glass, camera zooms out. A close up of a young mans face, bearded slightly, he is focusing on the glass. The sound cuts. A knock is heard, still focusing on the face. The shot changes, the character moves over to the doorway, and opens, always keeping an over the shoulder shot. A woman wearing a headset and holding a clipboard reveals the group has ive minutes before they have to go on. The door is shut and following still over the shoulder, the character goes through the room, picking up a guitar and starting to play. The camera moves to other items, drumsticks being picked up, band posters being moved etc.
The group walk out one by one and walk down a long corridor, in slow motion, the song starts to play and the the video gets slower and slower and fades to black. A tannoy announces: for your viewing pleasure...A EL-LEVEN' the syllables are pronounced and exaggerated. An 'A11' appears on screen, white on black.

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