Sunday 6 March 2011

Shot by shot...

And now our feature presentation...

Black screen. Flashes from black to white to black again whilst a beep accompanies each flash. Reminiscent of a count down.
Fades in from blur, like a disorientation, camera focuses to the sounds of a distant guitar at sound check. Focuses on a bottle of champagne sitting on a dressing room table. The shot changes to a glass of the freshly poured champagne. The drink in the glass is shaking due to the distant thuds of bass. The shot changes to the eyes of Grant as he focuses on the glass. Back to the glass. Back to Grant, however now it is a full face shot. A knock at the door is heard. Grant moves towards it, over the shoulder shot all the way. The stage hand at the door notifies Grant that there is five minutes left. The camera now changes to a behind the shoulder shot, this time from Chris, as he sits, straddling a chair, warming up on his bass guitar. His eyes follow Grant as he continues to play. Grant is seen walking through the dressing room, he reaches Wes as he lies half asleep clutching his drum sticks. Grant nervously looking at the clock. The trio move within reaching distance, they start to walk towards the door. Slow motion, the trio pass a poster identifying a sold out gig by a band named A11. The trio reach the corridor and proceed to walk down it, fade to black. Crowd noise fades in. An announcer announces: 'please welcome to the stage A11!'. As A11 is shouted, it appears on a white font over the black screen. The crowd roars.

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