Monday 2 May 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

From my audience research, I took into account those characteristics and events that people look for in a film opening. From this I found many people like an 'action-y' introduction, with something happening, or a build up to something. From which the latter, I chose to base my opening around. Upon the final cut of my film being shown, the audience picked up on the adult actors to make it more authentic, I had chosen to use these performers as I did not want my film to be just another generic film which used my friends as performers. Although I felt the change from colour to black and white would leave audiences confused and felt risky, it in fact has the opposite effect, the audience wrote they loved it and felt it formed a new look on the film. I used longer cuts to make the audience fit in with the characters, by focusing on faces and body parts for a longer time then usual, I thought the audience would feel more connected to the characters and recognise them more so.

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