Monday 2 May 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

My preliminary task was merely a task in continuity. To realise how film worked together to put together a story and then to understand the software to edit it and finally export it. My coursework final piece was a far more harder piece to produce. In the preliminary I showed a character entering a room, and then sitting opposite a man, the two then recite literature in an audition styled scenario. In the editing, I used no transitions or effects. However I did make note of these effects and the features of colour palette and saturation and the like and how they help to establish mood and also pace. From this I changed the visual style of my final piece to a nervous, black and white shot film. The soundtrack consisted of only of which the on board microphone on the camera had managed to pick up, there was no use of external microphones such as boom microphones used. In my final piece I used a tension building track from an unknown, unsigned group to set the scene and to build pace. As it was shot very quickly, I had paid next to no attention to mise-en-scene in my preliminary, unlike my my final piece which I purposely filled with connotations. I learnt from my preliminary that all of the above factors have to work together to form a great opening, one of which I have hoped I have created.

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